WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature that will allow iPhone users to transfer their chat history to another iPhone without using iCloud. This feature is currently being tested on WhatsApp for iOS and can be accessed by members of the TestFlight beta testing program. The “Transfer Chats to iPhone” feature can be accessed by scanning a QR code that appears on the new iPhone. This will enable users to migrate their chat history, including media, from their old device. The feature is expected to be rolled out gradually to more beta testers over the coming weeks.

Automatic GIF Playback Feature for Android

Meanwhile, WhatsApp is also reportedly developing an automatic GIF playback feature for Android. This new feature will enable animated GIFs to play automatically the first time they appear in a conversation, without users having to tap on them. However, the GIF will only play once, and users will need to tap on it to play it again. The new feature has been spotted in WhatsApp for Android beta v2.23.10.2, which is available through the Google Play Beta program. This feature is also expected to be rolled out gradually to more beta testers over the coming days, with potential improvements before the final release.

WhatsApp is continuously working on developing new features that will enhance the user experience on its platform. With these new features, iPhone users can now transfer their chat history with ease, while Android users can enjoy automatic GIF playback. These features are expected to be rolled out gradually to more beta testers, and once the testing phase is completed, they will be available to all users.

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