The critically acclaimed Pinocchio-inspired soulslike game, Lies of P, has recently made headlines with the announcement of an upcoming DLC expansion and a separate sequel. Game director Ji Won Choi shared these exciting plans in a Director’s Letter video, giving fans a glimpse into the future of the game. With two captivating concept art pieces unveiled, the anticipation for what lies ahead in this fantastical world is at an all-time high.

A Glimpse into the Unknown

In the video, Choi showcased two intriguing concept art pieces that offer a tantalizing glimpse into the yet-to-be-explored depths of Lies of P. The first image portrays a frozen laboratory, hinting at the potential location where the citizens of Krat were subjected to mysterious experiments, transforming them into puppets. The absence of labeling on these images leaves room for speculation, fueling players’ imaginations as they eagerly await future content.

The second concept art highlights our beloved puppet protagonist traversing an abandoned ship, shrouded in an eerie atmosphere reminiscent of ghostly tales. This imagery suggests a possible influence from the timeless story of Peter Pan, adding an exciting layer of whimsy and adventure to the game’s lore. These captivating visuals serve as a testament to the creative direction Lies of P continues to explore.

While the release dates for the DLC expansion and the sequel remain unknown, Choi divulged some exciting details about upcoming updates slated for this month. In a heartwarming move, the developer expressed their gratitude to the loyal player base by introducing cosmetic updates as a token of appreciation. All owners of the game will gain access to Alidoro’s costume and wolf mask, allowing for an even more personalized and immersive experience.

Additionally, a new outfit slot is being introduced, enabling players to separately customize facial accessories and headgear. Previously, these elements were limited to one choice, restricting players from fully embracing their desired style. This welcomed change provides greater freedom in character customization, ensuring that players can truly embody their desired persona in the world of Lies of P.

Reshaping the Journey

Acknowledging the discussions surrounding the game’s difficulty level, the development team has taken player feedback to heart. Pinocchio, the main protagonist, now boasts the Rising Dodge ability as a default skill. This new feature reduces the damage taken when executing evasive maneuvers, offering players a more forgiving gameplay experience without compromising the essence of Lies of P’s challenging nature.

In addition to these gameplay adjustments, the development team is committed to fine-tuning the weapon and handle balance. With a focus on promoting exploration and experimentation, players will find themselves compelled to try out a variety of armaments rather than relying on a single overpowered choice. This balance update aims to enhance the overall gameplay experience, ensuring that players can revel in the joy of discovering their preferred playstyle.

Beyond gameplay enhancements, Neowiz, the publisher of Lies of P, has exciting plans to release a long-requested soundtrack for the game. With over 60 tracks, this musical collection aims to further immerse players in the captivating world of Lies of P, enveloping them in its enchanting ambiance and enhancing each moment of their adventure.

As development progresses on the DLC expansion, the studio is actively searching for new talent to join their team. This announcement comes at a pivotal time, providing opportunities for those in the gaming industry who may have recently faced unfortunate layoffs. The team’s dedication to delivering a compelling and unforgettable story shines through, inspiring speculation and discussion among eager players eagerly awaiting the release.

With the upcoming DLC expansion and a separate sequel, Lies of P is embarking on a new chapter in its captivating Pinocchio-inspired soulslike adventure. The concept art teasers, gameplay adjustments, and gratitude-driven updates promise an even richer and more immersive experience for players. As the game continues to grow, Lies of P remains a beacon of creativity and storytelling mastery, captivating players with its unique blend of fantasy and challenge.


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