According to the latest India Monthly Report by social media giant Meta, Facebook took action against 41% of complaints it received from users, while Instagram took action against over 54% of grievances raised by users in April 2023. The report showed that Facebook “actioned on” less than one-fourth of grievances of users where they claimed that the content showed them in partial nudity or in a sexual act. In the case of Instagram, the platform actioned on less than one-third of users’ reports it received for violation of its policy on “content showing me in nudity/partial nudity or in a sexual act”.

The report also revealed that Facebook’s action rate was less than a quarter of the percentage for other categories of grievances, including “bullying or harassment” (over 17%), “inappropriate or abusive content” (around 18%) and fake profiles (over 23%). Facebook received a total of 8,470 grievances from users and provided tools for users to resolve their issues in 2,225 cases. “Of the other 6,245 reports where the specialized review was needed, we reviewed content as per our policies, and we took action on 1,244 reports in total,” Meta said in the report for Facebook.

Action Taken on Social Media Content

The category-wise details of action taken on 1,244 additional reports were not disclosed by Facebook. However, the report showed that Facebook on its own acted on over 27.7 million pieces of content that it found were violating its community guidelines across 13 policies. The top three categories on which Facebook took action on its own comprised 21.7 million spam content, 1.6 million content faced action for violating policy around adult nudity and sexual activity, and 1.4 million for violent and graphic content.

Regarding Instagram, the platform received 9,676 grievances from users, out of which it acted on 5,255 incidents. The company provided tools for users to resolve their issues in 3,591 cases. Instagram provided tools only in around 11% of cases where users reported their account being hacked, and around 30% in cases where users claimed that the content showed them in partial nudity or in a sexual act. “Of the other 6,085 reports where the specialized review was needed, we reviewed content as per our policies, and we took action on 1,664 reports in total,” Meta said for action taken by Instagram.

The category or the policy-wise details of 1,664 reports were not shared by the company in the report. Instagram on its own acted against over 5.46 million content. Meta received five orders from the Grievances Appellate Committee (GAC) on which it acted. The GAC looks into complaints of users who are not satisfied with the resolution of social media majors.

The transparency report published by Meta shows the action taken by Facebook and Instagram on user complaints. While both platforms took action on a significant number of grievances, there were also cases where action was not taken. The report also sheds light on the action taken by the platforms on social media content.

Social Media

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