India’s space agency, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), is preparing for its upcoming mission called Chandrayaan-3. This mission serves as a continuation of Chandrayaan-2 and will involve a lander and a rover. The scheduled launch for Chandrayaan-3 is set for July 13, with a possibility of delay until July 19. The primary objective of this mission is to successfully land the lander and rover near the Moon’s south pole by August 2023. Additionally, the mission aims to conduct various scientific measurements on the lunar surface.

Mission Details

Chandrayaan-3 is designed to consist of a lander, a rover, and a propulsion model. The rover will be housed within the lander, and several improvements have been made compared to its predecessor, Chandrayaan-2. Notably, the rover for this upcoming mission will feature a seismometer, heat flow experiment, and spectrometers.


According to the ISRO website, Chandrayaan-3 has three primary objectives. These include a safe landing on the Moon’s surface, rover exploration, and the execution of various scientific experiments. NASA further explains that the lander will touch down in the Moon’s south polar region, while the propulsion module will remain in lunar orbit to facilitate communication with Earth. The entire mission is expected to span one lunar daylight period, equivalent to approximately 14 Earth days. Throughout this time, Chandrayaan-2 will serve as a backup relay. The total weight of the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft is 3900 kilograms.

Technical Features

The propulsion module on Chandrayaan-3 is equipped with a large solar panel mounted on one side and a cylinder on top. This module will provide the necessary thrust and communication capabilities during the mission. On the other hand, the lander is equipped with numerous sensors and advanced technologies to ensure a successful landing. The rover features navigation cameras and a solar panel to support its exploration activities on the lunar surface.

India’s upcoming lunar mission, Chandrayaan-3, is set to continue the country’s exploration of the Moon. With a lander, a rover, and a propulsion model, this mission aims to achieve a safe landing, conduct scientific experiments, and explore the Moon’s south pole. By utilizing advanced technologies and improvements from the previous mission, Chandrayaan-3 seeks to contribute valuable insights and data to our understanding of Earth’s celestial neighbor.


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