Amazon India has recently launched its groundbreaking last-mile delivery programme, “I Have Space,” with the introduction of its first-ever floating store on Dal Lake in Srinagar, Kashmir. This innovative initiative aims to provide faster and more reliable deliveries to customers across Srinagar while creating new opportunities for small businesses and strengthening Amazon’s delivery network.

Delivering Packages to Houseboats

As part of the onboarding process for the “I Have Space” programme, Murtaza Khan Kashi, the owner of houseboat Selec Town, will be responsible for delivering packages every day directly to the doorsteps of customers residing in houseboats on Dal Lake. This new delivery model ensures that customers can conveniently receive their orders without any hassle or delays.

A Boon for Local Businesses

Karuna Shankar Pande, the Director of Amazon Logistics in India, expressed the company’s excitement about the launch, highlighting the benefits it brings to both customers and local businesses in Srinagar. The programme opens up opportunities for small businesses to partner with Amazon, enabling them to collaborate in delivering products within a 2 to 4 kilometers radius. This collaboration not only boosts the local economy but also expands Amazon’s reach in the region.

Amazon’s flagship programme, “I Have Space,” is designed to streamline the delivery of parcels and couriers. Under this initiative, enrolled partners, known as IHS partners, receive packages at their store locations and then deliver them to customers. In return, partners receive payment from Amazon based on the number of packages successfully delivered.

Since its inception in 2015, the ‘I Have Space’ programme has gained significant traction, boasting over 28,000 neighborhood and kirana partners in approximately 420 towns and cities across India. This program has proven to be an excellent opportunity for individuals and small businesses to generate income without the need for any upfront investment.

Delivering Packages with Ease

Any individual or business can become a part of the ‘I Have Space’ programme by simply collecting and delivering parcels to nearby locations. On average, an Amazon IHS store partner can handle between 20 and 30 packages each day while earning a fixed amount per delivery. This flexibility allows partners to manage their own schedules and generate income at their convenience.

Amazon India’s introduction of its first-ever floating store on Dal Lake in Srinagar is a groundbreaking step towards enhancing last-mile delivery services in the region. Through their ‘I Have Space’ programme, Amazon is not only ensuring faster and reliable deliveries but also creating opportunities for local businesses and strengthening their delivery network. This initiative is a testament to Amazon’s commitment to innovation in order to provide the best possible service to their customers in India.


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