Telegram, the popular messaging app, has recently rolled out new updates to its stories feature. These updates include the ability to add music and reaction stickers to stories, as well as the option to send and share media in view-once mode. In addition, Telegram has extended the ability to post stories to channels, with a boost from Premium users required to unlock this feature.

Following its initial launch in August, Telegram’s stories feature is now available for Channels. However, in order for Channels to use this feature, they must receive boosts from their users. Each Telegram Premium user will provide one boost that can be granted to any channel. As channels accumulate boosts, they will progress to different levels, allowing the channel admins to post additional stories per day. Users can still choose the channels on which they want to see stories, giving them control and customization options.

Introducing Reaction Stickers and Music

Telegram has introduced the ability to add reaction stickers and music to stories. Both users and channels can utilize reaction stickers, with viewers able to respond with a single tap. To add a reaction sticker, users can simply click on the icon in the sticker panel and choose from a variety of emoji options. Premium users have the privilege of adding up to five reaction stickers per story, while non-premium users are limited to one per story. Furthermore, users can now incorporate music into their stories by navigating to the Audio section and selecting a file. They also have the option to adjust the track or keep the original audio for their stories.

Similar to popular platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram, Telegram now allows users to send media with a view-once mode. This feature gives users the option to choose between a view-once setting or a 30-second display mode. When using the view-once mode, the media file is permanently deleted once it is opened, and viewers are unable to save or take screenshots of the content. This creates a more secure and private sharing experience for users.

Telegram has taken steps to enhance account security by sending login alerts to users every time they log in from a new device. This feature helps users stay informed about any unauthorized access to their accounts. Additionally, users now have the ability to review all the devices they are logged into by accessing the Settings and Devices section of the app. For an added layer of security, Telegram also offers two-step verification, allowing users to protect their accounts with an extra password.

With its latest updates to the stories feature, Telegram continues to evolve and provide users with more interactive and customizable experiences. The addition of reaction stickers, music, and enhanced media sharing options make Telegram a more engaging platform for users to express themselves. Furthermore, the extension of stories to channels and the boost system provide opportunities for channel admins to connect with their audiences in new and dynamic ways. As Telegram prioritizes user privacy and security, the implementation of login alerts and two-step verification further reinforces its commitment to protecting user accounts.

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