The release of Baldur’s Gate 3 was highly anticipated by fans, but it was not without its issues. The first patch, which was released last week, fixed over a thousand bugs, showing Larian’s commitment to improving the game. However, this is just the beginning as the developers have outlined their future plans for updates in a recent post on Steam. Let’s take a closer look at what players can expect in the coming weeks.

Performance Improvements

One of the major concerns raised by players is the performance of Act 3. The developers have acknowledged this issue and have assured players that they are working on major performance improvements, particularly for Act 3. Patch 2 will bring significant enhancements to the entire game, but the focus will be on resolving the performance issues in Act 3. This is great news for players who have been experiencing lag and other performance-related problems.

Bugs have been spoiling the gaming experience for many players, especially in Act 3. Larian has taken note of these reports and is dedicated to eliminating major issues through Patch 2. By actively listening to player feedback, the developers are determined to provide a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience. Recognizing the frustration that players feel, Larian is committed to resolving these bugs and ensuring that players can fully immerse themselves in the game without any interruptions.

There has been some confusion surrounding what players have referred to as “cut content.” Larian clarifies that in some cases, it is not actual content removal but rather content that is not triggering due to bugs. The developers have promised to fix these bugs so that players can experience all the intended content.

Additionally, Larian has admitted to cutting certain features from the epilogue because they felt they were becoming too lengthy. However, they acknowledge that not everyone agrees with this decision. In response, they will be expanding the epilogues in Patch 2, starting with a new optional ending for Karlach. This ending promises to be fiery, poignant, and will give Karlach the ending she deserves. This shows that Larian is actively listening to player feedback and is willing to make changes to provide a more satisfying narrative experience.

Future Features

Beyond the immediate updates, Larian is also working on exciting new features. Players will soon have the ability to remove co-op party members who join their campaign. This will provide players with more control over their gameplay experience.

In addition, Larian is developing a feature that will allow players to change their characters’ appearance after starting a campaign. This will give players the freedom to customize and modify their character’s look to better suit their vision and preferences.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has had a rocky start with performance issues and bugs, but the developers at Larian Studios are committed to addressing these problems and improving the overall gaming experience. Players can look forward to major performance improvements in Act 3, bug fixes, expanded epilogues, and new features to enhance gameplay. Larian’s dedication to actively listening to player feedback and making changes based on that feedback is commendable. With each update, players can expect a better and more immersive Baldur’s Gate 3 experience.


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