Baldur’s Gate 3, the highly-anticipated RPG developed by Larian Studios, has just released its first “major” patch. However, this update is so extensive that it couldn’t fit within Steam’s usual text character limit. Instead, the developers chose to publish a portion of the patch details on a Steam blog, with the rest being posted on their forums. This decision temporarily caused the forums to crash, most likely due to the overwhelming amount of online traffic or the sheer size of the patch itself. With over three thousand words of changes, including bug fixes and new features, this patch is clearly a substantial one.

One noteworthy improvement in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the attention to detail, which caters to players with diverse playstyles. For instance, the camera now adjusts in cutscenes to accommodate shorter fantasy races, creating a more immersive experience. Moreover, Larian Studios resolved an issue with the animation of smooching for shorter characters, humorously referring to it as “Short King Summer.” The Steam blog even includes a gif showcasing the improved kissing animation, highlighting the studio’s commitment to post-launch polish.

In addition to these visual enhancements, the patch addresses several technical issues. Floating objects, which occasionally defied gravity in the game, have now been firmly grounded. This fix not only improves overall immersion but also allows players more control over object placement. NPCs, known for their keen spotting ability, have also been adjusted to ensure they don’t detect players when they shouldn’t. These fixes are particularly beneficial for players who prefer stealthy playthroughs, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable experience.

Larian Studios actively sought feedback from the Baldur’s Gate 3 community and took some player suggestions into consideration for this patch. Edwin, a member of the studio, previously reached out to readers of Rock, Paper, Shotgun, asking for their input on desired changes and enhancements. Players can now delve into the extensive patch notes to see if any of their requests have been incorporated. This level of engagement between developers and the community reinforces Larian Studios’ commitment to delivering an exceptional gaming experience.

Excitingly, Larian Studios has also teased the arrival of a second patch, which is just around the corner. This upcoming update aims to address performance issues that players have encountered, particularly during the final act of the game. The complex nature of the final act, with its numerous variables, can cause the game to become unstable. Therefore, players eagerly anticipate the second patch with the hope that it will deliver a smoother and more consistent gameplay experience.

While players anxiously await the release of future updates, the Baldur’s Gate 3 community has already begun creating mods to enhance the game further. One mod known as “Lone Wolf” allows players to embark on their adventures without any companions, embracing the challenge of a solo playthrough. Another mod recreates the visual style of Dragon Age: Origins, providing players with a different aesthetic experience. These modding opportunities showcase the creativity and dedication of the community and offer players exciting new ways to engage with Baldur’s Gate 3 while they wait for official updates.

Baldur’s Gate 3’s first major patch addresses numerous bugs and introduces exciting new features. With attention to detail for different playstyles and a commitment to engaging with the community, Larian Studios is demonstrating their dedication to enhancing the gaming experience. As players eagerly anticipate the arrival of subsequent patches, they can also explore the wealth of modding opportunities the community has already created. Despite the initial struggles of releasing such a large patch, Baldur’s Gate 3 continues to captivate players with its immersive world and engaging gameplay.


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