Threads, the social media rival to Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter), has been facing difficulties in retaining the users it gained immediately after its launch. According to reports, Meta, the parent company, has lost more than half of Threads’ user base in the weeks following its release. In response to this decline, Meta has introduced several new features for Threads in an attempt to regain its lost followers.

Meta CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, announced three new features for Threads in a recent post. Users will now be able to directly share posts from Threads on Instagram DMs, expanding the options for sharing within the platform. Additionally, Threads now supports custom alt-text for photos and videos, allowing users to add captions and descriptions according to their preference. Another feature that has been introduced is the mention button, which enables users to easily tag someone’s account in a post.

Desktop App Coming Soon

Meta is also working on an early version of the Threads desktop app, which will be rolled out globally in the near future. This move aims to provide users with a multi-platform experience, allowing them to access Threads from their preferred device.

Updates Announced by Instagram Head

The head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, also shared a post on his account, highlighting the new updates to Threads. In addition to the features mentioned earlier, Threads now allows users to keep track of the threads they’ve liked and sort the accounts they are following through their profile settings. This added functionality provides users with more control over their Threads experience.

Threads has implemented the support of rel=me links, simplifying user verification on platforms like Mastodon. By adding their Threads account link to other platforms, users can establish their identity and enhance their online presence.

Threads was launched on July 5 as Meta’s alternative to Elon Musk’s X. Currently, the app is available as a mobile app on iOS and Android devices. However, Meta has announced that a web version of Threads will be released in the next few weeks. This expansion to web platforms will enable users to access Threads from a wider range of devices and further increase its reach.

Regaining Lost Followers

Despite the initial decline in user base, Meta is committed to improving Threads and adding more features to attract users. With ongoing developments and updates, they aim to regain the followers they lost and re-establish Threads as a prominent social media platform.

The introduction of new features for Threads by Meta demonstrates the company’s determination to address the declining user base. By enhancing sharing capabilities, introducing alt-text options, enabling direct mentions, and developing a desktop app, Meta aims to improve the user experience and attract more users to Threads. Additionally, the upcoming web version, user verification enhancements, and the promise of further features indicate a bright future for Threads as Meta works towards regaining its lost followers.

Social Media

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