Physicists have achieved a significant breakthrough in the measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. The newly updated measurement, which improves upon the previous result by a factor of 2, was recently announced by an international collaboration of scientists working on the Muon g-2 experiment at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. This development sets the stage for an exciting confrontation between theory and experiment that has been in the making for over two decades.

Understanding the Standard Model

At the most fundamental level, physicists describe the workings of the universe using a theory known as the Standard Model. This theory allows them to make predictions and compare them to experimental results in order to determine if the theory is complete or if there are aspects of physics beyond the Standard Model. Muons, which are particles similar to electrons but much heavier, possess an internal magnet that precesses or wobbles in the presence of a magnetic field. The speed of this precession depends on a property of the muon known as its magnetic moment, represented by the letter g. According to the Standard Model, the value of g should be 2.

The Quest for New Physics

However, deviations from the predicted value of 2, referred to as g minus 2, can be attributed to the muon’s interactions with particles in the quantum foam that surrounds it. These particles, which appear and disappear in a quantum dance, effectively modify the muon’s interaction with the magnetic field. While the Standard Model incorporates these known “dance partner” particles and predicts their impact on g, physicists are intrigued by the possibility of yet-undiscovered particles that could contribute to g-2 and provide a gateway to exploring new physics.

A Major Experimental Achievement

The new measurement of g-2, based on three years of data, has been a remarkable experimental feat for the Muon g-2 collaboration. The precision achieved corresponds to a level of 0.20 parts per million, surpassing their goal of reducing systematic uncertainties caused by experimental imperfections. This breakthrough in precision has been unexpected and signifies a significant milestone in the field of particle physics.

Continuing the Journey towards Greater Precision

While the systematic uncertainty has already been surpassed, the statistical uncertainty still depends on the amount of data analyzed. The recently announced result includes an additional two years of data, and the collaboration plans to incorporate the full six years of data in their final analysis over the next few years. This accumulation of data will allow scientists to achieve the ultimate statistical uncertainty of the Fermilab experiment.

To make the measurement, the Muon g-2 collaboration directed a beam of muons into a superconducting magnetic storage ring with a diameter of 50 feet. The muons circulate around the ring approximately 1,000 times at nearly the speed of light, and detectors lining the ring enable scientists to determine the rate of precession. Accurately measuring the strength of the magnetic field enables the calculation of the value of g-2. The experiment at Fermilab builds upon the previous Muon g-2 experiment at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, utilizing the same storage ring. The result announced now represents a substantial leap in precision compared to the predecessor experiment.

Improvements Lead to Enhanced Precision

Apart from the increased data set, the updated g-2 measurement benefits from various improvements to the Fermilab experiment itself. Over the course of the three years of data collection, the collaboration made significant advancements in techniques, instrumentation, and simulations. These continuous efforts to enhance the experiment have led to a substantial improvement in precision compared to the initial year of data collection.

Theoretical Challenges

Calculating the effects of the known “dance partner” particles on the muon’s g-2 to a high precision is a challenging task for physicists. The best Standard Model prediction available in 2020 was published by the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative, but it is now in tension with new experimental results and calculations based on lattice gauge theory. The scientists involved in the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative are currently working on an improved prediction that incorporates both theoretical approaches and aims to provide a more accurate understanding of muon g-2.

The Muon g-2 collaboration is a testament to international scientific cooperation. With close to 200 scientists from 34 institutions across seven countries, the collaboration has made significant progress in unraveling the mysteries of the muon. It is worth noting that nearly 40 students have already received their doctorates based on their work within the Muon g-2 experiment. As the collaboration analyzes the final three years of data, they anticipate achieving another doubling of precision, further enriching our understanding of the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment.

The new measurement of the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment represents a major breakthrough in precision, surpassing expectations and setting the stage for further advancements in the field of particle physics. With this achievement, physicists are one step closer to uncovering the secrets of the muon and exploring the possibility of new physics beyond the Standard Model. The collaborative efforts of scientists from around the world have propelled the Muon g-2 experiment to new heights, paving the way for an exciting future in the realm of fundamental particle interactions.


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