Counterfeit products have always been a problem, and identifying them has been a challenging task that requires a lot of knowledge about the original products. However, a new app that uses artificial intelligence (AI) claims that it can authenticate products by checking an image clicked using a smartphone. This app does not require barcodes, markers, holograms, stickers, or engraved markings to authenticate products.

Features of the App

The Washington-based company Alitheon has developed the FeaturePrint app that enables smartphone users to verify the authenticity of a product. The app uses optical AI to identify an object, and it can be used for identification, authentication, or traceability of a product. The app can only authenticate products that are already registered with the FeaturePrint system. The app can recognize small surface details of any physical item and convert them into a mathematical set of numbers.

Advantages of FeaturePrint

Unlike other authentication systems that use barcode labels, seals, or engraved markings, Alitheon claims that FeaturePrint can identify even damaged or broken products. The app works even when the products are rotated or captured from a different orientation, and it supports versioning for audit histories of individual products. This makes it a more reliable option for authenticating products.

Limitations of the App

Although the company’s website has several videos showing the app in action, it does not provide any details on how products are enrolled into the system or how a user can identify an authentic product. Unfortunately, the FeaturePrint app is not available for public download via the Google Play store or the App Store. It appears that only corporate clients can gain access to the service.

The FeaturePrint app developed by Alitheon is a promising development in the fight against counterfeit products. It provides a reliable method for authenticating products and tracing supply chains. The app’s ability to identify even damaged or broken products and work from different orientations makes it a more reliable option for authentication. However, the lack of information on how to enroll products into the system and identify an authentic product is a significant limitation.


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