Obsidian Entertainment, known for their critically acclaimed RPGs, has always pushed the boundaries of immersive storytelling and intricate game mechanics. In a recent interview with design director Josh Sawyer, he expressed his interest in creating a new installment in the Pillars of Eternity series, given the opportunity to work with a budget similar to that of Baldur’s Gate 3. Sawyer envisions building upon the combat system of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire and implementing a “scripted 3D camera” that streamlines the exploration of the world and the user interface. This article delves deeper into his vision and the potential improvements it could bring to the beloved franchise.

Josh Sawyer’s impressive resume in the roleplaying genre speaks for itself. With his involvement in iconic titles such as Planescape Torment and Fallout: New Vegas, his experience and expertise have garnered the respect of both players and industry professionals alike. Sawyer’s passion for his craft shines through as he discusses his recent release, Pentiment, a monkish murder mystery. When asked about his dream project, he expresses a desire to create Pillars of Eternity 3 with an unlimited budget. While he acknowledges his satisfaction with Pillars and Deadfire, he believes that a higher production value and a turn-based combat system, like the one introduced in Deadfire, would elevate the experience to new heights.

Sawyer presents a compelling case for turn-based combat in complex RPGs. He argues that breaking combat encounters into turns allows for more intricate design and provides players with a better understanding of the game’s mechanics. By highlighting player feedback, he identifies areas where the turn-based system in Deadfire improved the comprehension of certain mechanics, such as the affliction and inspiration system and penetration mechanics. While admitting that these systems are not perfect, Sawyer conveys his enthusiasm for incorporating more complex mechanics in a turn-based setting, making them clearer and more engaging for players.

Shaping the Camera Perspective

In the realm of interface design, Sawyer expresses his preference for a scripted camera in a 3D environment, as opposed to a fully manual camera like the one showcased in Baldur’s Gate 3. He appreciates the ability to design from a specific perspective, allowing for a more focused and intentional experience. Sawyer acknowledges the challenges posed by managing abilities and clicking on objects in games like Baldur’s Gate 3 and emphasizes his commitment to creating a seamless and intuitive interface. His goal is to ensure that the complexity of the game lies in the mental aspects, rather than the physical aspects of interacting with the interface.

While discussing the future of Obsidian Entertainment, Sawyer mentions Avowed, an upcoming RPG that was initially planned as a co-op experience but has since shifted towards a single-player focus. This project, often compared to Bethesda’s Skyrim, promises to carry forward the studio’s legacy of immersive storytelling and captivating gameplay.

Josh Sawyer’s ambitions to create a new installment in the Pillars of Eternity series fueled by a substantial budget signify an exciting future for the franchise. With a focus on refining and expanding the combat system and implementing a scripted 3D camera, Sawyer aims to elevate the production value of the game while ensuring a user-friendly interface. As fans eagerly await further news and updates, they can rest assured that Obsidian Entertainment remains committed to delivering immersive and unforgettable RPG experiences.


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