X-ray technology has revolutionized medicine and scientific research, providing invaluable non-invasive medical imaging and insight into complex materials. Recent advancements in X-ray technology have enabled brighter and more intense beams, allowing researchers to visualize intricate systems in real-world conditions, such as the interiors of batteries. To support these advancements, scientists have been diligently working to develop X-ray detector materials that can withstand the intense X-rays emitted by large synchrotrons while maintaining sensitivity and cost-effectiveness. Now, a team of scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and their colleagues have made a significant breakthrough by demonstrating exceptional performance of a new material for detecting high-energy X-ray scattering patterns.

During an X-ray scattering experiment, a beam of photons travels through the sample being studied, and the sample scatters the photons, which are then detected. Analyzing the scattered X-rays provides scientists with vital information about the structure and composition of the sample. However, many of the current detector materials are unable to handle the wide range of beam energies and high X-ray fluxes emitted by large synchrotron facilities. The few materials that can withstand these conditions are often expensive, difficult to grow, or require extremely low temperatures for successful operation.

Motivated by the need for better detector materials, the research team focused on analyzing the performance of cesium bromide perovskite crystals. Perovskites are known for their simple structures and highly tunable properties, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. The crystals were grown using two different methods: one involved melting and cooling the material to induce crystal formation, while the other used a solution-based approach at room temperature. These methods were carried out in the laboratories of Duck Young Chung at Argonne’s Materials Science division and Mercouri Kanatzidis at Northwestern University, respectively.

The cesium bromide perovskite crystals, grown using both methods, exhibited exceptional detection capabilities and could withstand even the highest fluxes at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) without any issues. According to Antonino Miceli, a physicist at APS, this detector material outperformed many common materials due to its relatively higher density and unique structural characteristics, which enhance its electrical properties for greater efficiency and sensitivity. With the ability to detect subtle changes during experiments, the new detector material provides researchers with valuable insights into the intricate and rapid activity of materials, allowing for faster and more detailed studies.

High-energy X-rays enable researchers to study dynamic systems in real time, including biological processes and chemical reactions. With the newfound detection capabilities of the cesium bromide perovskite crystals, researchers can obtain a deeper understanding of these processes, facilitating more accurate and detailed studies. This breakthrough is especially crucial as the APS undergoes a major upgrade that will significantly increase the brightness of its beamlines. The researchers are now focused on scaling up the production of the crystal and optimizing its quality. They anticipate further applications for this material, including its potential use in detecting gamma rays with extremely high energies, supported by the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration.

The breakthrough in X-ray detector materials presented by the scientists at Argonne National Laboratory and their colleagues opens up new possibilities in X-ray research. The exceptional performance and reliability of the cesium bromide perovskite crystal detector material have the potential to revolutionize X-ray studies, enabling scientists to gain deeper insights into the structure and behavior of materials in real-world conditions. With advancements in X-ray technology and detector materials, the future of scientific research and medical imaging looks brighter than ever before.


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